#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-05-31

Tazycan the bootloader be re-locked on Xperia X flashed with Sailfish?06:49
RaYmAnsadly, it can't be relocked at all06:52
TazyAh ok, i wasnt wanting to try incase the Phone suicides, knowing Sony..06:57
r0kk3rzif you backed up the TA partition, then afaik you can07:34
RaYmAnr0kk3rz: but then only if you flash back to stock I guess. (if Saild X was signed by Sony, you wouldn't need to unlock in the first place)07:54
M4rtinK_phone_signed images would be a nice improvement in user friendly installs :)07:56
r0kk3rzRaYmAn: i thought that was the question, basically putting back to stock to simplify RMA requests07:58
RaYmAnhe said "With sailfish" so I assume he wanted to relock while flashed with sailfish, but I guess you might be right07:58
TazyYeah, well Yes with SailfishOS installed, but i guess, questioned answered itself, due non changeable keys on thier phones(? probably). I'm more used to google phones, which let me just sign builds with my own Keys. and then lock the phone.08:33
*** ecloud_wfh is now known as ecloud08:55
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius11:02
r0kk3rz"Remorse timers can be swiped away to commit immediately"13:58
r0kk3rzi like it already13:59
Renaultissue with Jolla store, it couldn't define the size of update14:05
r0kk3rzpketo: i assume you're aware14:08
Lieke_Okay, it's downloading now14:14
Renaultme too14:16
r0kk3rzand its got my changes in, thats nice :)14:24
Tazyits nice that fingerprint now works, but beeing disabled when display is off, seems odd.17:19
tadzik"compass working in Google Maps, not yet natively" -- wtf17:21
tadzikwhy google maps specifically? :D17:21
r0kk3rzwhy would you need a compass outside of google maps?17:23
r0kk3rzbut yes, cue the tirade of 'why not [my favourite feature]"17:23
tadzikwell, I'd appreciate it in the "officially" supported here maps :P17:25
tadzikinstead of something that requires Google Play Services which aren't supported or even legally available17:26
Tazyspeaking of maps, it seems odd that i cannot use Nokia Maps on sailfishX when i also use the same account with an Original Jolla.17:26
r0kk3rzyeah mal made a fix to sensorfwd to enable it17:27
tadzikI guess they'd rather back out of that app instead of supporting it17:27
r0kk3rzi figured it was a licensing thing since HERE got sold to daimler17:27
malr0kk3rz: actually there a better fix than the fix I made, much simpler17:28
r0kk3rzoh good17:29
maltadzik: maybe android apps use the sensors the android way so it works there because of that17:29
tadzikmal: so it works for all android apps, not just google maps?17:29
r0kk3rzshould do17:29
malI think so, I haven't tried it in android on xperia x17:29
tadzikthat'd make sense to me, but the release notes mention google maps specifically which I found confusing17:29
tadzikI should know in a few minutes :)17:29
malanyway the compass fix will probably be finished soonish, not sure when it will be included in xperia x, hopefully in the next release after this one17:31
tadzikawesome :)17:31
malI have already tested it on fp2 and it fixes compass there17:31
tadzikgo mal! :)17:33
malI didn't do the simpler fix, I just tested it17:33
malmy way of fixing the issue was about 750 lines of code :D17:33
malthe new method was just a few lines17:34
malwell i basically used a completely different API level than the current one, currently it uses the low level API and I made support for higher level API, not sure if my code will be useful in the future though17:36
tadzikaww yiss, the fingerprint sensor17:51
M4rtinKtadzik: for the record, OSM Scout Server, which provides offline routing/POI search/map rendering/vector tiles to other mapping apps such as modRana, whogomaps, etc.18:11
M4rtinKtadzik: is still blocked from Jolla store due to some bogus reasons related to socket activation18:12
M4rtinKactually, it is still in store, with the same socket activation method, but new versions of the package, with the same activation method can't pass tore QA18:12
M4rtinKthe best offline navigation solution ever on any mobile platform and people can't even install it from the default platform store/repository ...18:13
malM4rtinK: yep, that is a quite annoying18:22
tadzikM4rtinK: eh, I gave up hope on harbour tbh18:37
tadzikperfectly fine QtLocation API, a single component for a working map, not allowed in harbour18:41
tadzikno way in hell I'll jump through hoops and implement custom shit to display a damn map if I can do it with a single Map {}18:41
tadzikI have a harbour version of Bootyhunter which is basically an ad for the warehouse version18:42
r0kk3rzyeah the update method really needs re-engineering18:47
MoritzJTHey there, anyone remember the SSH command to disable a specific patch?20:04
MoritzJTfrom patchmanager?20:05
MoritzJTI have tried Mazelock now I cannot get into the homescreen. Got SSH up and running thouh.20:05
MoritzJTUninstalling Patchmanager and everything alongside is not what is acceptable - there has to be a more precise operation available :)20:05
MoritzJTnever mind, found an alternative20:18

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