Saturday, 2021-05-22

marohinmarkcannot see messages04:30
*** marohinmark is now known as mark25110704:30
T42iHemal was added by: iHemal15:57
T42<OdSazib> .15:58
T42hilledkinged was added by: hilledkinged16:06
piggzmal: to build an older mesa requires libxml2-python, what provides this?20:11
malpiggz: do you need python2 or python3 version of that?20:16
piggzmal: i guess python3 as other build reqs are python 3 based20:18
piggzi got xulrunner built for i486 latte but it didnt work!20:18
piggzso, 1) does it work on emulator?20:18
piggz2) does it work on the generic x86 port20:19
piggzi get a warning right before the egl error stating that kernel 4.1 ir required .. so, i was wanting to try an older mesa20:19
piggzAttempting load of libEGL.so20:20
piggzMESA: warning: Kernel 4.1 required to properly query GPU properties.20:20
piggzCrash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Failed to create EGLSurface! (t=2.96129) [GFX1-]: Failed to create EGLSurface!20:20
piggzCrash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Failed to create EGLSurface! (t=2.96129) |[1][GFX1-]: [OPENGL] Failed to init compositor with reason: FEATURE_FAILURE_OPENGL_CREATE_CONTEXT (t=2.96148) [GFX1-]: [OPENGL] Failed to init compositor with reason: FEATURE_FAILURE_OPENGL_CREATE_CONTEXT20:20
malpiggz: hmm, no sign of libxml2 python package, there used to be python2 version of that but it was dropped20:25
malpiggz: which mesa version are you trying to build?20:26
piggz20 ... or 1920:26
piggzmaybe i should to volla port instead!20:26
piggzid just like to know if this works!20:26
piggzrinigus: just so you know, puremaps did a stellar job today as sat nav21:15
T42麒骏淘 %lastname% was added by: 麒骏淘 %lastname%22:02
T42Jerry %lastname% was added by: Jerry %lastname%23:14
T42<Jerry %lastname%> Hello23:15

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