#sailfishos-push log for Wednesday, 2014-07-23

*** Merbot` has joined #sailfishos-push09:44
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Stskeeps[11:45] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Flags +AFRfiorstv were set on DM8TBR in #sailfishos-push.09:46
Stskeepsjust do ze needful from now on, i'm on not-publically-told holiday so i may vanish at any time09:46
*** tbr changes topic to "Discussion about push notifications on SailfishOS | For MQTT developer test accounts, message tbr"09:47
Stskeepsfeel free to add a 'official'09:47
*** tbr changes topic to "Official discussion about push notifications on SailfishOS | For MQTT developer test accounts, message tbr"09:47
*** kimmoli has joined #sailfishos-push09:48
kimmolihad to kill vm-headless to get mersdk started again09:55
kimmolihmm.. there is libmosquittopp-devel too? isnt that for c++ -- -maybe better for Qt10:02
kimmoliand founded as /#include <mosquittopp.h>10:04
kimmoliit will need also libmosquitto-devel seems so10:06
tbryes, I mentioned that yesterday10:09
tbrbut you had it already working with the C API10:09
kimmolii was too hätänen10:13
kimmolidid you get pyhton to work?10:14
kimmoliobviously g+10:15
tbrwas soooper simple, as I already had some code that I could kang from the toilet10:27
tbralso the python-mqtt docs are good10:28
tbrthe only things I'd need to add would be a notification sound and vibration and I'd have my irssi notifier ready to go on the jolla side10:28
kimmolinot much irc ++ G+ i see, no new members here10:29
tbrthe irssi side shouldn't hurt either as I have a nice code base from the XMPP notifier that I maintain for irssi10:30
tbrjust need to find some perl mqtt binding10:30
kimmoliperl... mmm.....10:31
*** smoku_ has joined #sailfishos-push10:33
smoku_Stskeeps: grats :)10:34
tbrsmoku_: I guess you'll want some accounts for playing?10:36
Stskeepso/ smoku_10:37
smoku_tbr: it's Stskeeps indoctrinating you with polish? ;-)10:39
Stskeepstbr probably speaks better polish than me10:39
smoku_tbr: I don't have an application for MQTT yet, so thanks... but I am interested in the domain10:40
smoku_oh... in that case10:40
smoku_tbr: cześć :)10:40
tbrsiema :)10:41
tbrI wanted to have sensible push notifications since Meego Community Edition10:43
tbrFor a while I wanted to use XMPP and telepathy as the transport10:43
tbrbut MQTT seems well suited and less overhead10:43
tbralso supports QoS10:43
kimmolioo, my qt app did publish10:44
tbrmy use cases are (IRC) notifications to my mobile device10:44
smoku_XMPP sucks as a push transport10:44
tbrpreferably propagated further to my smartwatch too10:44
kimmolifirst make just simple test gui to publish and subscribe10:45
* kimmoli makes10:45
tbryes, I know. It was more of a convenience thing. "platform already has XMPP and telepathy"10:45
smoku_it's great for pub-sub as an additional feature once you keep an established connection already10:45
smoku_but just for pub-sub - it has heavy overhead10:45
smoku_btw, as I'm not familiar with MQTT - is it real push, or just plain periodically-pull game as always?10:48
tbrfrom what I've grokked so far it is an open TCP connection and the server will send data as soon as it gets it10:49
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coderus :)10:49
tbrapparently it was also intended for realtime/SCADA applications...10:50
coderusgive me link to mqtt docs pleast10:50
* tbr resets those credentials ;)10:51
tbrcoderus: that page links to what you need10:51
smoku_coderus: http://mosquitto.org/man/mqtt-7.html10:52
kimmolitbr: public passwords?10:53
tbrkimmoli: was a paste mistake, those have been reset10:53
tbrbtw: the devaamo.fi server also accepts unauthenticated connections on port 1884 for testing, but is limited and not intended for "production" use10:55
* tbr ponders idly where in the mer wiki hierarchy he should anchor push notifications intended for use in mer utilizing projects (sailfish, nemo, etc)11:01
smoku_tbr: what is your idea for these push notifications?  do you want to have an app receiving them or some background service?11:04
tbrsmoku_: my current idea is to have a on device message broker of some sort that deals with the MQTT side and exposes dbus. that way it needs only ONE TCP connection.11:05
tbrbut for exploration, testing, special cases using MQTT directly from inside an app might be useful too11:06
kimmolii will publish the mqtt-test app soon,, when i get the credentials stored outside from sources first11:07
smoku_ONE TCP connection to central broker. who will maintain this broker and its topic hierarchy?11:07
tbrcurrently I do. It runs on my private hardware. As it aligns well it is hosted under the domain name of Devaamo.11:10
tbrfor a case where we implement per device authentication it will need some more elaborate authentication infrastructure though. Currently it's a manually maintained ACL and credential file each.11:11
tbrat that point also the question arises if we automate and use e.g. the device IMEI or if we have the user perform an additional manual step.11:12
tbrit's essentially a security question: whatsapp style insecurity, but ease OR more security, but a few steps to set up.11:13
tbrthe good thing is, that there is an intermediate use case: broadcast11:13
tbrfor that we can have anonymous clients connect to the broker and subscribe to sailfish/broadcast/... topics11:14
tbrwriting to those is limited to certain accounts by ACL11:14
kimmolinot yet c++ api11:28
kimmolibut works, needs libmosquitto-devel and libmosquitto1 packages to be installed on sdk11:29
kimmoliiirc libmosquitto-devel pulls that other withit11:29
kimmolibut waiting tbr wiki (?)11:29
tbrsoon™. just agreed with lbt where to put it11:30
smoku_tbr: app-store integration seems to work well for android/ios.  app-store client provides credentials to the device and app-store backend provides topic hierarchy for devs to use in their apps11:33
smoku_tbr: also, I could envision credentials "pluggable" to the device broker service by installed apps - when you install an app, it provides broker address and credentials to the service and it opens a connection to broker and shares access to it over DBUS11:35
smoku_(app store client could be one of that sources)11:36
tbr*nod* very good info11:37
tbrI'm not very familiar with how this works on other platforms11:37
tbrideally it would integrate with the jolla account OAUTH11:37
* smoku_ agrees11:38
tbrkimmoli: wiki page now available11:52
kimmolitbr: ok11:58
kimmolihmm is it mosquitto_sub -d -h devaamo.fi -t sailfish/broadcast/#12:00
kimmolihow to publish there ?12:01
tbrI manually enable accounts to publish to particular topics there on request12:08
kimmoliaa ok12:09
tbrI should put up some generic test broadcast topics there12:10
kimmolicould you enable e.g. sailfish/broadcast/test to everyone ?12:10
tbrsomething like current time12:10
kimmoliöö, now getting Connection refused12:15
kimmoliError: Yhteyttõ ei voi muodostaa, koska kohdekone ei salli sitõ.12:15
tbrlet me check if I broke it12:15
kimmolisays windows client12:15
tbryes I did12:15
kimmoli:) i got get some icecream12:16
tbrback in service12:16
kimmolicant broadcast to .../test12:17
kimmolishould i?12:17
tbrlet me try it. I'm still not solid at those ACLs12:21
tbrtry again12:22
kimmoliClient mosqsub/11972-KL2011 received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'sailfish/broadcast/test', ... (11 bytes))12:23
kimmolisailfish/broadcast/test hello world12:23
tbrI switched to per-user enabling, as there is no good way to enable this for all authenticated users, but disable for anonymous12:24
tbrin the long run I want to look into a flexible authentication and ACL backend12:35
kimmolione helpful link for api, http://mosquitto.org/api/files/mosquitto-h.html12:59
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