#sailfishos-push log for Wednesday, 2014-08-27

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kimmoliah, time to harness mqtt to irssi notifications.07:54
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kimmolitbr: help08:28
kimmolii tried to subscribe from cli and send from another. nothing goes through08:29
tbrkimmoli: you have reached the push notification helpdesk, how may we be of disservice?08:29
tbrthat's usually an ACL problem08:29
kimmolifamiliar TLA08:30
tbrwhich means that either you wrote where you shouldn't or you tried to read from where you shouldn't08:30
tbrboth will fail silently08:30
kimmoli-t sailfish/kimmoli/#08:31
kimmoli user is my _read user, it authenticats ok08:31
kimmolii publish to sailfish/kimmoli/test08:31
tbruser kimmoli_read08:32
tbrtopic read sailfish/kimmoli/#08:32
tbrso that's the ACL for that user08:32
kimmolii didn't fix my memos... it still says the saifish08:32
* kimmoli HUP helpdesk08:33
tbrat least I didn't need to dig into things and strace the server...08:33
tbryes, I did that once due to an acl problem and I should have known better08:34
kimmolinow i edited my test-commands08:35
kimmoliso hopefully no need to debug saifish anymore08:35
kimmolitbr: Test:08:45
tbrkimmoli: meeee08:45
tbryou can also use /mqtt-test08:46
kimmolithat i used, it said moo!08:46
tbrlooks good then08:46
kimmoliafter i installed mosquitto-clients to my server :)08:46
tbrbtw: I would recommend to keep QoS at 0 on the server side08:46
tbrelse sometimes the mqtt sender tool will block and lock up irssi08:47
kimmoliah ok08:47
tbrcould be worked around with nohup or such08:47
kimmoliy. now first testing to hook this to windows and notifu08:48
tbrif you send notifications that are not from irssi, keep in mind that the code expects one new-line in the message08:50
tbrit will split that into the two notification parts08:51
kimmolithe example for jolla?08:55
kimmolikimmoli: test09:08
kimmoliah öh09:09
kimmolisubscribe topic has user, and i have _read there.09:09
kimmolitbr: http://pastebin.com/0UtGteSx09:15
tbrthat looks interesting09:17
tbrare you using my patched lib paho?09:17
tbror upstream?09:18
tbrprobably upstream, as mine had sailfish patches09:18
kimmolinot you patched one.09:18
tbrmaybe they changed something then09:19
tbrI suspect they changed payload to a byte object09:20
tbrwhich makes sense as it can contain arbitrary binary data09:20
tbrat least AFAIU09:20
kimmolihave you exposed your patched pahu?09:20
tbryes, on github09:21
kimmoliaa, fount09:21
tbryou could just roll back to the checkout from before I patched it09:21
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kimmolithis is now on windows09:26
kimmoliand aug 1 is the last here.09:27
tbrmaybe it's a difference with windows?09:29
tbror you are using python 3.x09:30
tbrmight be that then09:31
tbr_could_ be as easy as putting an explicit string conversion there09:31
kimmoliy. learning python :p09:32
kimmolistr() did it09:33
tbryou had an example already on that line ;)09:34
kimmolikimmoli: koe10:06
kimmolitbr: https://app.younited.com/?shareObject=07fdb1d8-e3fa-3634-9c73-9f693f0a7a9210:09
tbrshould probably do that for my linux too. there it should be only minimal changes as it uses dbus xdesktop notifications too10:19
kimmolito get äöå working replaced str() with .decode('utf-8')10:23
kimmolithe \n worked fine wit notifu, now it gets converted somehow and i see only first line10:23
kimmolibut i'll split it10:25
kimmoligrr ype str doesn't support the buffer API10:27
kimmoliok, can someone mention me for testing that too?10:33
tbrkimmoli: bla10:48
kimmolihere windows version QH http://pastebin.com/8TRv4v3S10:49
tbrinteresting you had to explicitly set utf-8 as python uses utf-8 by default10:49
kimmolijust with str() -> https://app.younited.com/?shareObject=a81b167b-afb3-4856-41f8-20dd9cd97a3510:50
kimmolibtw, shouldn't this be >> ??10:52
tbrpossibly windows, yeah10:52
tbryes, you're right10:53
kimmolithen that jolla thingie10:54
tbrpushed the readme fixup10:56
kimmolididn't had time to mention the command formatting looks-bad10:59
kimmolitbr: windows@home + jolla done11:06
tbrthis gnome-shell keeps annoying me. I think I need to switch back to 'awesome' again11:08
kimmoliurf windows@office had python 2.x11:38
kimmoliit kept publishing to receiver_state topic11:39
tbrthe receiver state should be iffed anyway, it's only needed if there is a will11:43
kimmoliworks now11:52
kimmolicopying the x-nemo-...conf to correct place, and it plings now11:52
tbrah, yes, did I cover that in the readme?12:03
tbrif not then I should fix this12:04
tbrdammit, will fix. thanks12:04
kimmoliadd the formatting to echos12:04
kimmolistarted script in screen on jolla seems to work fine12:07
kimmolithey show oneliner To set up: echo #myusername# > ~/.mqtt_auth echo #password# >> ~/.mqtt_auth12:09
tbroh, right12:09
kimmoliadding import winsound ; winsound.MessageBeep() to get audible beebs on desktop12:20
kimmolithen ubuntu@bedroom. i think i use windows script and just notify-send12:22
tbrwhy? just use the jolla script, it is almost right12:22
kimmoliokay, will try12:23
tbrthe x-maemo stuff probably just needs slight adjustment12:24
kimmolihmm.. seems not logged in over ssh for a while Last login: Sat Jan 26 22:42:49 2013 from raspberrypi12:28
kimmolipöh. without any changes,.got a messagebox with ok,cancel12:38
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kimmolioo, survived togling from wifi to 3g14:17
kimmolibut not the notification i expected https://app.younited.com/?shareObject=eef06017-86a1-7124-b877-96859aba93bf14:21
tbryes, it will survive14:32
kimmoliif i use notify-send, it shows it as notification in topright corner14:44
kimmolinot a messagebox.14:44
tbryeah, you can get the same if you edit the dbus message14:46
kimmolijust clean it up was solution for ubuntu.. http://pastebin.com/9cg04C6721:22

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