#sailfishos-push log for Friday, 2014-10-24

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kimmolitbr: week silence here, breaking it. any push-news?08:58
tbrno, been recovering from my conference trip09:05
tbrshould look also into that09:05
kimmolii would like to get the mqtt push python script to autostart in screen/background09:08
kimmolihave been too lazy to even start doing it...09:11
tbrshould be trivial to write a service definition and launch it in the user session09:11
kimmolii'll wrap this up to an rpm09:21
kimmoliJust pasted a lot, see here http://pastebin.com/B9hDn0yx09:21
kimmolilets see does it work over reboot after enabling it09:22
kimmoliLoaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/user/irssi-push-notification.service; enabled)09:26
kimmoli   Active: inactive (dead)09:26
kimmolidoing the reboot testing, forgot to power-up phone again, and was wondering why i cant get ssh into it..10:07
kimmolimeh, canä't get it to start at powerup10:44
tbrbtw: for me bluetooth to metawatch stopped working on U9. no surprise the libraries changed, undefined symbols, boom10:50
tbrshould download devel files using the jolla and then rebuild locally...10:51
kimmolihahaa, if i change [install] wanted by, i need to disable;enable the service again10:54
kimmolito get the new link to correct place10:54
kimmoliJust pasted a lot, see here http://pastebin.com/BwHSkzPc10:56
kimmoliaand it works10:56
kimmoliJust pasted a lot, see here http://pastebin.com/Q7cr6vci10:56
kimmolitbr: https://build.merproject.org/package/show/home:kimmoli:randomapps/irssi-notification-client12:04
kimmoliundo möh.12:07
tbronce you're happy, pull request please. would like to add it to my repo for completeness12:33
kimmolitbr: will do. i'll check for dependencies, once i finish playing with hydraylics...14:05
kimmoliit is too long ago, cant remember all deps15:45
kimmoliJust pasted a lot, see here http://pastebin.com/aVBMD3Aw15:45
kimmolitbr: https://github.com/kimmoli/irssi-mqtt-sailfish/blob/master/rpm/irssi-notification-client.spec#L1915:46
tbrlicense is GPLv2 but don't ask me about the proper way to write that for OBS/XSPF15:48
kimmoliLicense: LICENSE  points to the LICENSE file ...15:49
kimmolibut, was there something else required?15:50
kimmolino need for mosquitto-clients pkg?15:50
tbraah, ok15:55
tbrno, it needs only the patched paho lib15:56
kimmoliis the one in your repo patched?15:58
kimmolimy itsme-version is in oh, so , github will add new commits to that branch to the pullrequest..16:44
kimmolibranch before PR...16:44
tbryes, the one I have on GH is patched16:49
kimmoliobs not?16:49

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